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Hashimotos, hypothyroidism and weight loss

Almost half of the people I know have hypothyroidism, Hashimotos or both. We're all middle age or better. Nobody can lose weight. I lift weights. I swim. I sweat. I'm starving! How do you rev up the metabolism and lose weight? Is there a hack?

Fun Family history- Lp(a) & Diabetes

I am 38, ’look’ like I’m in fine physical shape but have a family history in parents and both sets of grand parents of diabetes and elevated Lp(a). My Lp(a) is 198 mg/dL. What are the immediate steps to take and other lab work I should request. As an additional point- my doc recently ordered an A1c test and won’t order a CT Calcium scan until 40yo.

Organic farming and possible podcast guest

Can you please have Pamela Yee, MD, on the podcast to discusses the impact of her own food values as a physician and organic farmer?

76 year old workout

I have a masters in phys ed and can't understand from the blogs how to design a workout in simple terms. Help Thanks

Diabetogenic effects of Statin therapy.

I am a 49-year-old male with a Calcium score of 0, multiple clean stress tests, and a mild calcification showing up on a carotid scan. I have a family history of heart attacks/blockages of men in their late 60s. Based in part on your advocacy, I decided to get in front of my out-of-range lipid profile (march 2022): Total (228), Triglycerides (151), LDL (149), C/HDL (4.5) HDL (51). My CK score was (97) My first statin (Generic Crestor) targeted lipids with a vengeance June 2022: Total (152), Triglycerides (129), LDL (77), C/HDL (2.8) HDL (54). Unfortunately, my CK went through the roof (507)... So we went back to the drawing board...with my 2nd statin, my numbers are currently at Total (173), Triglycerides (94), LDL (105), C/HDL (3.5), HDL (49). Better than baseline but not as aggressive as the Crestor. That being said I observed that my CGM readings have gone up: I do once-a-year CGM 2021 my avg glucose was 90, in 2022 it was 92, and my most recent test has indicated it is at 113. While this translates to an A1C of less than 5.7, it also indicates a poor directional change. I have noticed my body's response to exercise (developing muscle) has decreased. While anecdotal I believe all of this points to developing insulin resistence which could lead to Type 2 Diabetes. I would like to get my Cholesterol down into a healthy range. How should I go about balancing the cardiovascular risk with a growing metabolic risk factor.