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Plant Based vs Protein vs LDL

I've been focused on getting enough protein. My total cholesterol is generally over 300. A recent Coronary Artery Scan was 220 after being 160 4 years ago. My cardiologist recommended a statin and a plant based diet. I have been plant based in the past and my total cholesterol was quite low (<150) however getting enough quality protein is an issue. I seem to respond to fat in my diet. How do you approach clients that exhibit like me to balance protein with LDL levels?

Peter's Medical Practice Model

First of all, thank you to Peter and the team very much for the work that you do. I would love to hear more of a breakdown about how the team for your practice is structured, the workflow on a patient by patient basis, and how you incorporate research into your care. I'm a prospective phd student in clinical psychology, and while many clinical psychologists are both practicing researchers and care providers, yours is the first high profile example I have seen of a medical practice where the two are so intertwined.


I'd like to know Peter's thoughts on the value of the Galleri blood test. Does he ask his patients to get it? I see that others have asked this question, but didn't see an answer.

Initial care of concussed high school athlete

Following a concussion with no underlying complications, how soon do you start adolescents exercising and at what point do you allow them to return to play?

Epilepsy questions

Hello Peter! Big fan of your book and the podcast, and after just finishing your book I was curious if you ever delved into the subject of epilepsy along the way while studying neurodegenerative diseases. As a person who was recently diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 28 with no prior family history of it in my family I'm always curious to learn more about it and figured I'd pose the question here since epilepsy has strong ties to the ketogenic diet as well. While researching for the book, or even in previous research throughout your medical career, is there any resources you could share and/or any possible links between epilepsy and neurodegenerative diseases that you're aware of? Thank you again for all that you do!