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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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What is cellular senescence?

What are your thoughts on this research? Reality or myth?

Functional Workouts

Hey there! Do you have a list of the "top 5" functional exercises that you use to assess a patient's overall musculoskeletal health, broken down by age? You mention things like Deadhangs and Farmer's Carries frequently. I'd like to be able to check in with myself every now and then, and am looking for a few specific parameters to aim for. Any chance you can provide a specific list of exercises with metrics broken down by age? Thanks! Dedicated fan of the Podcast and loved the book!

What does the data say about whole grains and longevity?

I’m a new member and have been enjoying The Drive for a couple of months prior to joining. My nutritional approach is primarily lean protein and vegetables with fruits cycled in and out. I’ve been focused on mitigating Alzheimer’s with family history on both sides and of course, I want to live a long, healthy life. As I read valid studies, it’s unclear about eating whole grains. What are your recommendations regarding whole grains?

Should someone with Moderate Plague on arteries avoid TRT

Im 47 years of age and have clinically low testosterone (ex competitive bodybuilder) and have ceased treatment due to a recent CT scan highlighting moderate plaque on a main artery. My question is; with TRT thickening the blood via haemoglobin\Haematocrit am I right to be concerned with this combination ?

Mounjaro and muscle loss

Hello, I recently lost about 30 lbs (175 to 145) on Mounjaro. I was not told about the muscle loss. I'm about to turn 50. I'm starting on a weight training regime. Is it still possible for me to rebuild my muscle mass back to where it was (and improve), or is some of that muscle mass lost permanently?