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Proton pump inhibitors/dementia study

What do you think about the recent study that states PPIs increase the risk of dementia by “33%”? Will you please break this study down for us? I have many family members on these drugs and they have been for years. Thank you and your team for all that you do for us!!!

Measuring Heart Rate Revocery

Have been playing with measuring my heart rate recovery after your last AMA. I’m finding two very different values. First I’m using a Garmin chest strap slaved to my Garmin watch however that is the same for both types of activities so unless that should be a constant. Anyway, after a 5K run I’m typically getting a result around 18 beats in the first minute 183-165 on my last run. However when I am playing hockey I am getting consistently result of 40 beats between shifts 175ish-125. The only other difference is I’m typically sitting down on the bench in Hockey versus standing up after running. I’m wondering if there is a difference between having your heart rate high in the context of a run (I’m usually above 170 for the last 10 mins) versus a 2 minute hockey shift. Additionally which result is closer to the parameters in those studies and should I pay more attention to.

Podcast with Louise Newson?

Louise is a GP in England who started the menopause awareness "movement" that is now finally getting a lot of attention in medical and political circles in the UK. She is so knowledgeable, humble and inspiring. I think she would be fantastic to have her on because she has so much experience in helping women though peri-/menopause that if there are still any women (or men) out there that believe that HRT is not the way to go then she is can be clear about the work she has done and the thousands of lives she has changed for the better.

What's the evidence for coffee and or caffeine raising homocysteine levels?

Coffee before a fasted Hcy test dose seem change to raise my Hcy from when I don't take it 24 hours before the test. Just n=1 observation but how much evidence is there really?

IT band pain - cyclists

Hi. On a recent podcast you mentioned exercise for cyclists experiencing pain in the IT band region. Can you elaborate on the recommended exercise and give any other advice on handling sore IT bands. Thanks.