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Antidepressant Withdrawal

In the interview with Dr Shireen Rizvi, Dr Rizvi remarks on her struggles coming off pain medication. Is Peter aware of the thousands of people around the world, in addition to my own wife, who are going through hell trying to withdraw from antidepressant medication. Is he aware that this is a silent epidemic that is only now coming to the surface - see, for instance, the Mad in America website. I might be wrong but I understand that Peter has also taken antidepressant medication and so I am wondering if this might also be a concern for him in the longer term?

Post covid change in Blood Bio Markers level ?

I had been checking my blood general bio markers like fasting glucose[80 mg/dl], cholestrol levels [<200 mg/dl], etc which were inline with age now post covid i am seeing higher levels of fasting sugar[120 mg/dl] and cholestrol [230 mg/dl]. I have been tracking again and after improving diet and exercise i am not seeing improvements.Also my hCrp is is higher than avaerage [2.95], Should i take statin now ? What are methods to improve both metrics ?

Coffee and Dehydration

Being 79, in good health, and athletic is like being an Amazon Prime driver and delivering nothing but eggs all day. It is a lot of work to stay on a healthy 'road' without breaking down, thus my questions. I am trying to stay (get) hydrated. First, the easy question. Generally, how many ounces of water should an active senior drink daily? Second, does coffee 'count' toward the total, and, more importantly, what does coffee do to the body, specifically regarding dehydration?

Hybrid Athlete Training (specifically running and lifting weights)

I know you have extensively about this in your book and podcast, but could you get into the nitty gritty details of it? For example, are there certain protocols like cold/heat exposure that could help or hinder results. Also, how far apart should we space these training sessions. Nick Bare is a huge proponent of this, is it all true? Some of it? Just making the main points a little clearer could be helpful for me. Thanks.

BUN level high protein diet

Is there concern in and elevated BUN while on high protein diet? (Creatinine is high normal) Thank you.