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PAI as cardiovascular disease prevention tool

good starting point for training? or missing the mark

Centenarian Olympics

Is there a list of the exercises to do for the Centenarian Olympics or at least Peter's base list for ideas. Thanks

The Sugar Alternatives Additives

Something I’d like to know and sometimes struggles with understanding is the things used to cut these with or additives they use to make it a 1:1 sugar substitute.

How to deadlift correctly

You mentioned videos of how to prepare for and execute a deadlift. Have you made them?

Unsafe fasting glucose level for healthy adults?

Is there an unsafe fasting glucose level for healthy, non-diabetic adults? On day 2 of a 3 day fast my blood glucose reached 46 mg/dL (ketones high at 7.8 mmol/L). I ended my fast early out of paranoia (and was perhaps looking for an excuse). While its been noted that non-diabetic individuals cannot reach zero on blood glucose, I would guess that my body is not well adjusted enough to keto yet. In your (non-medical advice) opinion, is there a lower level at which I should stop fasting?