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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Blood flow restriction

I recently started using the KAATSU blood flow restriction bands and am blown away by how effective they have been in helping build muscle and fitness. Would love to know what your team thinks about BFR done safely as with the KAATSU equipment.

Studies of Vaccine Inefficacy

It's difficult to form this into a simple question. I would love to hear your thoughts after examining the information presented in these two podcasts: 1) Cammy Benton, MD on The Science On Flu Vaccines, Efficacy and Risks 2) Cammy Benton, MD on Vaccine Efficacy and Risks, Flu Vaccines, Ex-vaxxers, and More

Dose of Fasting for recovery strategy based on iron man polarized training for "decent "Age grouper +55

Hey Peter, fantastic podcast around fasting, aging and longevity to say the less. As i'm trying to make my move around recover strategies , i've been back to university to first refreshed everything about nutrition, macro nutrients and endurance training state of the art, but it turned out that i discovered that fasting may be the most powerfull tool to recover and or heal from exercice stress as you age even being healthy. (I'm a structured iron man fan, on a polarized training regimen (by the way pretty much adapted to longevity goals i bet, Qualified first time for HAWAi final "only" at the 3 IM ace, so pretty adapted genes i believe, hahaha!!!) . My surch is about competitivness through ecovery and as a good age grouper is first an healthy age grouper. I've been experiencing for the last year time restricted/fasting (1 day per Week monday after big weekend training and lately, 10 days only water during off season)

Did your 3 day fasting implications vs 7 days apply to everyone and can we speed up the process

Hey Peter, Fantastic podcast on longevity, aging, fasting, exercising to say the less. First time I get to know somebody that would not blame me to putting between 10 to 25 hours a week of polarized training and firmly believe this is the most adequate activity for longevity. (swimming cycling running and of course weights lifting / core strengthening) . Actually just being up to whatever you want, because you allow your body to release its potential SO I’m a big fan now and it’s highly inspiring. My quest and experimentation has been oriented on recovery and so fasting for the last year. From 1 day a week up to 10 days water only fasting during off season period (meaning 3weeks including transition phases). The ask: Scope of interest being Autophagy here. I got you saying : “- 3 days fasting and my metrics are almost at the same level compared to 7 days fasting. So I assume, I should see benefits of autophagy (even not full scope) from then on.” #114 – Eileen White, Ph.D.: Autophagy, fasting, and promising new cancer therapies (at least) First: Do you believe your personal adaptation (keto long term regimen and or ultra-endurance practice) have driven your metabolism onto this highly time effective switch to autophagy (correlated to ketosis). As my knowledge from fasting commonly talks about 7 to 21 days fasting for autophagy starting to come into play for an organ and from 21 to 40 days for a restoring complete function implying at least 2 organs… (Désiré Meriem France, this 95 year old dude has accompanied over French 3000 fasters the last 45 years!!! and did share his knowledge writing books. He’s a former biologist university teacher…) Second: In your opinion what else would ease or slow down the switching process to autophagy. Note: I’ve experienced similar experience around Dupuytren's disease (fascia’s nodules located on the hand) that have almost disappeared since I put together fasting regimen combined with less sugar with almost no Processed food (see SIGA metrics) and no more snacking even if healthy…. Hope you take my question for your next AMA!! Cheers Daniel from Paris France.

An Attia Oura group?

Any consideration of a subscription based Oura group. I for one would sign up for a data review service where once a month or so a real person would scan my trend lines and metrics and point out issues to consider. Also, any suggestions for studies or groups that would benefit from our data.