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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Have you looked at this device or have any thoughts on increasing HRV? Thanks.

Hashimotos Rollercoaster

Hi there! My name is Ashley, from Calgary AB. I found this podcast and subscription after listening to you on "people I (mostly) admire" and almost instantly my curiosity was piqued! I see that there is one mention of Hypothyroidism but none regarding Hashimoto's. I was diagnosed at 16 with the condition and have been on the rollercoaster of medication, happily on the downward trend for about a year now. I just turned 35 years old last month. My questions are: what is your best advise for someone living with Hashimoto's? Is there a path to get off medication entirely, under the care of a physician? Is there a way to "activate" healing and calming down on my immune system so my thyroid can do what it was created to do? If no advise can be given, I will happily consume other podcasts and books to help me along! (notes: I rarely drink alcohol, consume one or two cups of coffee in the morning and stopped eating anything containing gluten 6 years ago. The gluten elimination was partially because I was told it would help with my thyroid but largely due to IBS that would take me out for days at a time. A gastroenterologist told me that I would have to modify my diet, leaving me to turn to the internet for wisdom as he had little to impart on the subject. I lost 40 lbs after the birth of my second son 6 years ago and now rarely suffer attacks).

Buying a copy of your book

I know that I will buy your book. I was curious if there was a marketing plan for members. I would be willing pre purchase a copy. Thank you for all the good you're doing by sharing information. - Tong


hi dr attia, this isn't a question but more of an n1 observation of how MSG seems to exert effects on my postprandial glucose readings. bit of context: - t1d, 31y/o male, 6ft2in, 160lbs, avid strength, stability, power lift, and runner my observation: - day 1: bowl of chili on results in ~130mg/dL 1.5hrs post meal with 2 units novolog. - day 2: identical workouts, identical day architecture, oura ring shows effectively identical sleep, and lastly the identical bowl of chili at the same time of day, except this time with a boullion cube with MSG is mixed in and this results in ~250mg/dL 1.5hrs post meal likewise 2 units of novolog. against my better judgement i have reproduced this "experiment" on a few occasions throughout the years, and always with the same astonishing excursion in bg. i have not listened/read at all to your MSG latest news, but this is just an FYI from an avid fan of yours. best wishes, -chris

Natural Flavors

Would you consider a dive exploring “natural flavors?” What does it mean? What constitutes it? How does it get past FDA scrutiny? Are there data to suggest harm?