Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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What are your high level thoughts on Western medicine?

At a high level, which of the practices, core principles, structures, and commonly held beliefs of Western medicine do you feel are most desirable or undesirable when compared to other systems?

Which common constraints in the longevity optimization model are most important to relax?

I love to hear you talking about the problem of optimizing longevity using a linear programming framework. What would a sensitivity analysis of that model look like - especially concerning the constraints on which many people don't want to budge (e.g., "I have to have a big dietary cheat day every week", "I just can't get 8 hours of sleep a night", "I refuse to train in zone 2", etc.)? In essence, which common points of friction are most critical to overcome and which ones can people tend to 'get away with'?

AMA on covid vaccines?

Could you do an ama pod on the new vaccines? What is mRNA? Pfizer vs moderna vs. others? Can everyone is my family take it? Kids? Pregnant or soon to be pregnant? Other deep dive data insights or interviews that your team has available?

Body composition change

What is your opinion on the carnivore diet? Temporary and long term use Can the high IGF be balanced through regular OMAD and extended fasts?

What are your thoughts on endometriosis? And is there anything that you could recommend?

Is diet something that can be used to control endometriosis?