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Best way sources of regularly getting summary statistics for my health?

What do you think are the most important summary statistics that capture the state of your health? If one were committed to regularly sampling the state of their body, what are the highest impact measurements one can make when weighed against the relative cost/invasiveness of the measurement, in terms of being predictive for longevity? Based on your podcast, it seems like the lipid panel done during most annual phsysicals is pretty interesting. Are there any others?

Insulin Resistance and Alzheimer's

Shulman mostly sidestepped insulin resistance and the brain, which apparently is more of a Glut-1, Glut-3 problem. Would love to know the mechanism there. Also, compensatory strategies including non-insulin dependent channels, enhancing lactate and ketone neural feeding (although exogenous ketones were ineffective in clinical trials for APOE4).


How do you interpret the negative findings in the recently published trial of fish oil and CV mortality.

allulose from corn

It appears that most commonly Allulose is derived from Corn. Do you consider this to be an optimum source for Allulose? I have been using xylitol for several years now but I am often swayed by your suggestions and proofs.

SGLT2 inhibitors

Do you have any suggestions on limiting/avoiding risk of DKA with these drugs especially in patients that are following a ketogenic diet?