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Sugar addiction

There are all sorts of steps and techniques to reduce sugar addiction. However, nobody discusses a psychological technique, why is that?

Honey in the sugar discussion

Hello! Would have loved to hear a bit more about the differences/similarities of honey to HFCS. As far as I know it behaves quite differently than fructose in mouse models even though the fructose content is similar. Plus it is antibacterial and may actually HELP with tooth decay. Lots of interesting stuff out there about honey and how it appears to behave differently in the body. Would love to hear your thoughts.

Mens Health

Peter, long a time listener and a big fan of the show. I am curious to get your take on men's health issues. Specifically, testicular cancer and what men can do to prevent it? There seems to be very little on the topic of testicular health from a longevity and functional medicine perspective. Would love to get your thoughts on this topic. Thanks for your time and consideration. -Rory

Cycling IGF-1

You have said that ideal might be to cycle IGF-1 up and down. If one generally keeping IGF-1 low through eating, how often would you want to cycle it up (1 day per week, 1 week / month, etc) and what (non-drug) methodologies would you advice to do so?

Do you have any thoughts on tinnitus?

Particularly the type that manifest itself as high pitch noise in the head. What is the mechanism, causes and ways to cure it? Could tinnitus be caused by prolonged stress or is it more likely one of the symptoms of metabolic or vascular disfunction?