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fish oil and a. fib

What do you think about the link b/w fish oil and a. fib?

Biological age testing

What are your thoughts on biological age tests like Viome, MyDNAge, Teloyears, TruAge and Onegevity’s Agebio? What is the most accurate way to determine biological age?

Building Muscle for Longevity

It seems to be your understanding that more muscle = more glucose disposal = better healthspan. If you're taking this seriously, it takes a LOT of protein in your diet to create hypertrophy (upwards of 1-1.5g / lb of bodyweight. Anyone who's consumed this much protein in a day knows it's no small feat. In addition, you need to be in a caloric surplus. 1. Do you think consuming this much protein is necessary and/or healthy? 2. Is bulking and cutting the best approach to building muscle or is it a better approach to stay eucaloric over a long period of time with a high-protein diet and let your body naturally recomp? I'm a 200 lb male at ~15% bodyfat

Recent Sinclair Paper

What are your thoughts on the recent Nature paper by David Sinclair? Do you see this research transitioning into human models anytime soon?

Allulose and UTIs

Does the fact that allulose seems to drag more glucose out via kidneys put one at a greater risk of developing urinary tracy infections?