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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Supplement Routine

What full list of supplements does Peter take and why? And which ones does he recommend (broadly speaking without knowing the nuance of each individual) for the average person?


I was told by my physician that LDL-C on Friedewald was more accurate than ApoB for patients with FH for determining risk especially if triglycerides are low? She said that ApoB loses its worth with low trigs

Joint Pain during Fasting

Hey Peter, I'm a huge fan. I have been completing 3 day fasts for the last 4 months but I have noticed everytime I am fasting my joint pain seems to be exacerbated. I should let you know I have a rare bone dysplasia and while I live in chronic pain I would consider myself to be more active than most people (and the pain is manageable without medication). I was wondering if you have heard of anything where fasting increases joint pain?

Back Surgery

Knowing what you know now. Would you have the same back surgery you had before, or not? Why?

Types of heat therapy

Thank you for your podcast on hot/cold therapy. Do you have any thoughts on the type of heat therapy? For example: steam room vs. traditional sauna vs. infrared sauna vs. extended hot bath?