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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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What is Peter’s ideal tracking of metabolic health for his patients?

How does sleep, exercise, and alcohol affect testosterone levels?

Trying to follow colonoscopy advice …

In a recent non-lame email, Peter provided a list of questions to ask my endoscopist. Useful things like Cecal Intubation Rate. So, as I was about to schedule my every decade colonoscopy, I thought I would follow Peter's advice. Unsurprisingly to me, the staff is totally unprepared to answer these questions. My GP, furthermore, while approving of Peter's questions, cautions me to "Ask questions gently. Don’t want them to get defensive." It seems like the medical community is not ready for any kind of comparative analysis, much less real "informed consent." How would Peter have us folks out in the hinterlands utilizing our Obamacare Bronze colonoscopy credits proceed? (BTW, this is a non-trivial amount of money. This is a claimed $3K procedure. Seems like I should be able to vet my provider somehow. Peter's questions look like a good start.)

Extra sleep vs Early workouts

Thanks for all the work, your podcast and information are fantastic. The more I read about the importance of sleep the more I question whether I'm currently making the right decision. So, I pose this question to you. Here are some relevant facts: I'm 39 year old male. Pre-diabetic (although through Keto/low carb diet I think I have it under control). I do strength training 4 days per week and zone 2 training 3 times per week. Usually, I sleep around 10 pm and wake up at 5 am to work out. Under this scenario, according to my Oura ring, I'll sleep around 6 hours and 20 minutes. Lately, I've been sleeping at 10 pm and waking up at 6:20pm. Under this scenario, I don't workout until about noon. I'm wondering whether this additional hour and twenty minutes are worth skipping the morning workout. The reason I would prefer to keep working out in the morning is when I do I feel absolutely fantastic. I feel energetic, alert, and motivated. I feel far better than when I sleep the extra hour and twenty minutes. What would you do in this situation? How would you weigh the additional sleep vs the way I feel when I work out early. If you are able to get to this question I'd really appreciate it! Amin


Hi from Spain, i would like to know your thoughts on SEPT9 as a biomarker of CRC with respect to other screening/ diagnostic methods. Thanks for all your work!