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What happened to KNOW foods?

What happened to KNOW foods? I had an active subscription and after not receiving anything for a while, checked the website and discovered that the website no longer existed. Seems sketchy to pack up and disappear overnight without explaining anything to their customers. I also had a ton of reward points that I didn't get to use.....

Diet or Exercise for Acid Reflux due to weak esophagus muscles

Two of my grown children have had to resort to medications in order to control the reflux that was scarring and leaving up to 50% of their esophagus raw and them at risk of Barrett's syndrome. One child was diagnosed at a very young age of 8 and only after years of trying to find a doctor that could identify the problem we'd seen since infancy. The other was diagnosed as a teen-ager. Both have been on numerous medications for years - medications that are only recommended to be taking for short periods of time. One even had surgery that wrapped part of her stomach around the esophagus; a risky surgical "solution" that only gave relief for less than a year. Both eat healthy diets, one has been a vegetarian since the age of 8 and the other eats a standard american diet which includes a mix of keto and intermittent fasting intertwined weekly.

GERD Question con't

Sorry My cursor automatically sent my previous question. So to continue... So bottom line is that by all accounts they are and have always been active healthy individuals with the one exception being an esophagus that doesn't close correctly so reflux goes up into their esophagus and is wrecking havoc. Medications help somewhat yet the medications also put them at risk. They also have had elevated beds since young to help keep the reflux down during sleep. Do you have any cutting edge advice or know of any specialists that are looking into this more? Thank you, Rox-Anne

Same bed time yields good Oura ring data?

Is it possible to train your body to become more effective, efficient and consistent with sleep quality by simply waking at the same time every morning? How important is consistency with wake time in the matrix of sleep hygiene. One of the few things we can control is wake time when life does it’s thing... and throws a wrench into the sleep plan.. I have found that just getting up at the same time every day, yields quite good data from my Oura ring even though life sometimes gets in the way of bed time.. kids, life, night time feeding or drinking etc... ? Doesn’t metronomic wake time start the circadian clock each day.. beginning sleep pressure by adenosine release ? Jocko might be the case study in this principal ? Or is it early morning exercise that is the key? Which I also always do each day?

Can cold therapy help reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)?