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What is the impact of frequent fasting on uric acid?

Does frequent fasting cause a chronic uptake in uric acid, or is just an acute response that goes away after the fast is done? Let's define frequent fasting as 5 days a week time-restricted feeding and 3 days a month water-only fast.

Recommendations On Yearly Flu Vaccine

Hi Peter + Team, Do you recommend getting the flu vaccine every year? Why or why not? I'm sure there are nuances for each person, but I was wondering if you could give your high level view of what to consider when determining whether or not to get the vaccine each year.

cocoa epicatechin

This paper is chock full of references to randomized, double-blind studies looking at the effect of cocoa on metabolic and other health. What's your take? Should we all be drinking bitter cocoa (no sugar) for metabolic health? Rick Johnson's book also cited mitochondrial biogenesis as a feature of epicatechin, but this paper doesn't mention this. Know any cocoa experts to interview? Bring back Rick Johnson? He mentioned epicatechins only in passing in #87. Paper:

Is pickleball Zone 2 training?

Hi said you were looking for Zone 2 questions for your next Inigo San Millan interview. My question relates to a sport I've picked up during the pandemic. I used to play a fair amount of indoor racquetball, but when the gyms closed, I picked up pickleball. I absolutely love this game. My question, though, is is it decent exercise? Since it is almost always played in doubles and the court is smaller than a tennis court, I seldom find myself out of breath, and typically play for 2 hours or more at a time. It's a bit of a guilty pleasure, but I'm wondering, could this be Zone 2 training since I could probably play it all day (barring overuse injury)? I do find that if I don't build in running and cycling on my off-pickleball-days my resting heart rate begins to climb slowly, which indicates to me some deconditioning. I know it's good for reflexes, mobility, probably bone density, but my hope is it's also good cardiovascularly. Cheers and happy new year!

Women's zone 2 watts output

Hi Peter and team! Are women supposed to be hitting the same zone 2 watts output as males? Or are these studies/references of 120 watts for diabetic zone 2, 200 watts for weekend warriors and 300 watts for PA for males? Also curious if menstrual cycle would affect the output for women? Thanks!