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AMA on protein

Hi Peter and Bob - can you please do an in depth AMA on protein (after your AMAs on insulin, fat flux and glucose) - ingestion timing in relation to exercise (endurance and/or strength), dose, sources (plant vs meat vs whey/egg), utilisation, growth, recovery, collagen, BCAAs.

GI-Map - microbiome

What do you think of the utility of a census (?) review of the microbiome - such as a GI Map Should knowing the species of the microbiome alter any recommendations?

Public Medicine in Canada

You have mentioned a few times you view that Canada should have a second tier. I was under the impression that there was some evidence that a private tier tended to drain resources away from the public system (ie public wait times go up). Unless supply of specialists is elastic I don't see how a private tier helps the system. Also given that docs are trained at great public expense isn't there something a little strange about allowing them to work outside of the pubic system? And I guess lastly isn't the problem that you are really talking about is that we tend to allocate money to issues that are likely to impair life rather than issues that decrease quality of life (although I know a few youngish people -- under 60 -- who have had hip and knee replacements. In both cases they are merely active people (one runner one soccer player). I live in BC and my wife has been under the care of the BC Cancer Agency for many years (she was diagnosed with stage 4 RCC about 16 years ago and has had many surgeries (complete remove of one kidney, removal of mets in various places, rebuilding of her femur, removal of her ascending colon due to an intussusception and many different anti angiogenesis drugs over the years). So to say I am biased. In my sector in the US there is generally no health insurance. I am deeply aware that people like us would have had to sell our house years ago to pay for care (and given the prognosis in the beginning I'm not at all sure my wife would have agreed) Since you make references to the Canadian system occasionally I would be super interested in an interview with somebody from Canadian Doctors for Medicare I should mention that my brother was an ER and then Family Medicine Doc and now runs a family medicine teaching practice. Also I am friends with a researcher MD from the BC Cancer agency On a side note your episode on HRT has made a huge impact on my wife's life. It took a few years to get all the docs to agree but she is now on HRT. And, she sleeps better, feels better and her body cooperates with her desire to have an active sex life (nice for me too). She had to go through a year of topical treatment (prescribed by a female OBGYN who specializes in sex). We have given many copies of the book that your guest wrote thanks

Heart rhythm disorders

Hi Peter, Bob and the team. I have seen a few questions regarding heart rhythm disorders. Would you consider covering this topic? Things like: - PVCs. - Afib. - ablations. - sport after ablation (volume, max heart rate...) <- particularly interested in that one myself. - ketosis increases the risk of afib. (Is there any science proving that?) ... Thanks for all the content and hard work you put into this.

CGM and pregnancy

Do you think the CGM has an important role in pregnancy, even for those who are not diabetic? And what about those woman with PCOS? Thank you a lot!