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Creatine and hbp

I have hypertension controlled with meds and nothing seems to work except meds. I’d like to take creatine I found some studies that suggest they creatine can be detrimental. Can you elaborate on that? You have recommended it’s use many time but never addressed this particular issue.

Peter's Shoulder Surgery Outcome

Now that you are about two years out from shoulder surgery, can you speak to your outcomes related to pain, mobility, strength, etc.? Do you feel like you are 100% recovered or do you have any lingering issues?

Exercise induced allergy

Hi. Wondering if you have any insights into a phenomenon that I (and many others) have been plagued with while doing high intensity cardio. Exercise induced allergy isn’t extremely common, however, is a condition that I believe prevents a lot of people from doing exercise. Well, I value exercise enough to battle through it, I’m thinking this might be an issue that sidelines a lot of people. I’ve never heard anyone address it, and thought that it might be one of those issues that Peter could have some insights into. At a minimum, it’s a very interesting interesting phenomenon. In my case, when I do cardio where I am above anaerobic threshold for extended periods of time, I will get sneezing and rhinitis that begins 10 to 15 minutes post exercise and can last several days. It appears to be directly proportional to intensity level and duration of the cardio workout, and is exacerbated by colder climates (I am unclear whether there may be an altitude component to that… I.e. colder climates for me have generally been in locations that are higher altitude so that likely contributes to higher heart rates). It rarely happens indoors, and is less frequent with interval training, although have had it happen on occasion with 4 x 4’s. I have been dealing with this for a couple decades and have tried a lot of things, including seeing an allergist, but no one has really helped me understand what’s going on. The symptoms are severe at first and abate slowly over a period of 48 to 72 hours. Once the symptoms have begun, I have yet to find the treatment that offers relief. The only thing I have found that works is taking pseudoephedrine prior to exercise. Since that’s a bit of a tricky drug, I don’t do that anymore. There appears to be some histamine function at play here where intensity must create a reaction that exceeds a histamine tolerance. There are certainly times of year where it is worse so it seems like there may be some underlying environmental aspect that as well. Just thought this might be an interesting enough question to peak your guys interest and maybe address a problem that, although not common, members of your audience may be dealing with. Any insights would be appreciated.

unable to convert iron to ferritin?

Just listened to AMA on iron, I'm wondering if there is a condition that prevents the transferrin from binding with iron? My 21yo daughter has anemia as defined by marked symptomolgy, low hemoglobin and low ferritin. Has been taking prescribed iron supplements for 6 months with minimal improvement in symptoms. Labs have barely crept into the low normal range. GI conditions (bleeding/bacteria) have been r/o. After listening to your AMA, I noticed that her UIBC and and TIBC were high 6 mo ago (have not been rechecked). I'm wondering if perhaps she is unable to convert the iron to ferritin/unable to bind with transferrin? Does this exist?

Prenatal vitamins

What are the most important vitamins and minerals should a women start incorporating when attempting to conceive, during pregnancy, and postpartum.