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Trading a CGM for a Blood Pressure Monitor in a heartbeat

Hi Peter. It's clear that you are a huge fan of CGM and what it can do for everyone. In podcast you mentioned that IF there were such a blood pressure monitor that could be accurate, continuous, and easy like a CGM BUT for blood pressure, you would easily trade those devices. Clearly you didn't mean that you would just stop using a CGM but the value of such a blood pressure device would be more beneficial. I am diabetic but don't qualify for medical coverage of a CGM so I prick my fingers various times a day to check my sugars. I already check my blood pressure on top of that in the morning and at night. Should I check my blood pressure as much times as my sugar throughout the day? What are the practical points of action? What are correlation between activities (before/after) like eating, sleeping, working out, etc. and a blood pressure reading that could be red flags or good sign or just any points of interest? What and how would we use that information? Thank you

Sauna before bed

You’ve talked about how you sauna immediately before bed. Do you go straight from sauna to bed, and if so aren’t you sweaty? Or do you rinse off before bed?


Long time listener, recent subscriber. Enjoyed today’s article. Wondering if there is any relationship between METS calculated on cardiac stress test and VO2max? Thanks in advance.

Does my increase in Lp(a) on rosuvastatin and ezetimibe suggest I should stop the rosuvastatin since my LDL wasn't that high to start with?

I'm a postmenopausal 64 y/o female on transcutaneous estrogen. When I first checked my lipids my Lp(a) was 65 mg/dl so even though my LDL was only 115 mg/dl and my ApoB 100 was 94 mg/dl I decided to start rosuvastatin 10mg/day and ezetimibe 10 mg/day. 4 1/2 months later, with no side effects, my LDL has decreased to 70 mg/dl and my ApoB 100 decreased to 72 mg/dl, however my Lp(a) has increased to 91 mg/dl. Might I be someone whose unmedicated elevated Lp(a) in the setting of not too high LDL and ApoB 100 is not likely to be clinically significant wrt CVD? Or am I better off continuing the current medication regimen since the increase in Lp(a), given it's overall low percentage of particles relative to LDL, is of less important than the positive impact on my LDL, ApoB given their relatively much larger number of particles? Or should I stop the rosuvastatin and just take ezetimibe?


Peter, I've heard you speak of the benefits (particularly associated with neurological health) associated with dry saunas. Do you have thoughts on if the same benefits are associated with infrared saunas? They seem to be more affordable and cost effective to operate, but I don't want to waste the investment if that technology doesn't offer the same health benefits as a traditionally heated home sauna. Thank you