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Do testosterone injections have any ester issues? Are creams or lozenges better?

I spoke to someone at T-Clinic who said that the testosterone injections do not deliver testosterone in the right manner due to the Esters. Whereas the cream can be used every day and easily absorbed by applying it on the inside of the bicep. Is this correct, and if so are there any other drawbacks/side-effects of using creams or lozenges in comparison to an injection? Or is this information incorrect?

Creatine + Hydroxy Methylbutyrate (HMB)

I see many Creatine supplements that also include HMB. The cost of Creatine + HMB vs Creatine alone is generally 2x to 3x. Are the benefits of adding HMB along with Creatine potentially worth that price increase? Are there any known negative side effects of HMB to look out for?

Non caloric sweeteners

With the lack of studies and the gut-organs axis, what's your thoughts about the common daily use of non caloric sweeteners (artificial or natural) on the brain.

Hot tub effective as Sauna for cardiovascular health?

After reading the deep dive email on sauna research, I am wondering if a hot tub session or hot bath could be a substitute for sauna - possibly reaping some of the cardiovascular and mental health benefits.

Magnesium Threonate side effects

Hi, I’ve just listened to the Magnesium AMA. I’ve taken magnesium supplements for quite some time including Magnesium Threonate, usually before bed. Even on low doses I get very itchy eyes during the night. I’ve tried several brands of magnesium Threonate but all produce the same result, very itchy eyes. I’ve searched the internet and can’t find anything about this being a side effect. I’ve also asked my GP and he was unable to provide any insights. Is this something that you’ve come across previously? Thanks in advance.