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Trazodone increases serotonin

Do you have any concerns for serotonin toxicity using Trazodone?

When and for how long to use probiotics?

After a course of antibiotics, using probiotics to rebuild your gut biome makes sense. For how long should one take them? Also, is there value in regular (daily) use of probiotics in the absence of a particular need? It seems like someone who eats a healthy diet (particularly lots of veggies and fruit) would have a stable gut biome. In this case, what's the value of taking regular probiotics?

Bladder health

Hi Peter. I don’t much fancy wearing a diaper as an adult. What can I be doing (in young /middle age) to create a healthier bladder to reduce chances of a diaper being needed when I’m an old man?

Dr. Shulman

Dr. Shulman‘s podcast was certainly a masters course. I’ve listened to it several times. A couple questions I have. One being, I really didn’t get the full understanding as to at inflammation in the adipose tissue and the effect that it has, and more so to the question that Peter asked about your releasing fatty acids, which you’re having an effect hepatically, but you’re also have lipogenesis in the adiposite. That seemed to contradict.

Other factors in NAFLD and insulin resistance

Multiple podcasts, discuss NAFLD, insulin resistance, sarcopenia , and inflammation For example, but they all seem to be somewhat contained within their own disease process. Things like hormone decreases, NAD levels, vascular integrity, including a strong glycocalyx layer, and a functioning endothelium All seem to be pertaining to the disease state. Uric acid we know inhibits eNOS Which contributes to high blood pressure but also the age related dysfunction of endothelium caused by the above mentioned conditions, and more also contribute. Is there a podcast that ties everything together. It’s probably too big to do but just wondering.