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Recovery from Covid

What guidance does current research suggest on the ways to mitigate long-term negative effects of Covid? What can be done to recover more quickly in the short-term.


Would you consider doing a podcast about neurofeedback? I saw your article about transcranial stimulation for memory improvement. What about applications for anxiety, depression, trauma, TBI etc

Gestational Diabetes and pre-eclampsia/eclampsia

I'd love to hear why women get gestational diabetes (GD), how it can affect their offspring, and if it impacts their future health and risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Should women with GD be followed after birth for continued glucose control? Currently women are told GD goes away immediately after birth and there is little followup. What should be the standard of care after birth. Additionally, does pre-eclampsia and eclampsia increase a woman's risk of developing CVD? Does it differ for controlled vs uncontrolled bp in pregnancy. Should these women have earlier and more extensive testing to prevent or treat CVD?


You have mentioned that you reverse engineer your patients’s current VO2Max in order to determine what the program prescription is that they need in order to be able to do the things they want to do in their marginal decade. Where can I find information on VO2max results correlating to and predicting my ability to do specific activities of daily living and activities of daily interest? Thanks you

Easy Interval Method by Klaas Lok

Hi, have you read the Easy Interval Method by Klaas Lok? Does that sort of methodology have any merit for someone focusing longevity as a substitute or perhaps as a way to add variety to zone 2 training? Thanks