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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Difusion Weighted MRI

In the Early program, you recommend Diffusion Weighted MRI scans to be appropriate for screening for many cancers, but in the area of prostate you recommend the use of gadolinium. How is the best way for us to get such a scan? Would Prenuvo be an alternative? But they do not use gadolinium? Are there other options?

Stem Cell

I would love to learn more about your thoughts on stem cell therapy. I'm thinking about having it done in my knees for patella tendinitis. Can you have Neil Riordan on your show?


What are your thoughts on using sermorelin for recovering from sports injuries?

Hydration powder and liquid drinks

Which is best? Premade drinks or powders ? And which is the best of both ?

75 year old Vo2Max

I am a 75 year old woman and just had by Vo2Max tested. The charts for Vo2Max only go up to age 69 so we had to extrapolate. The Elite category for 60-69 age group's Vo2Max was 29.4. Mine was 30. I have always been active but just recently have started the zone 2 and HIT protocol suggested by Attia and I do believe this is why I have the Vo2Max I do. Thank you Dr. Attia.