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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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NOTHING on Arthritis? Are you KIDDING me??

Come on Doc! This is about longevity and healthy aging and yet when I scan the topics, there's NOTHING on Arthritis. When I do a search on "answered" questions for the AMAs there's NOTHING on arthritis. I guess it's no big deal because arthritis doesn't have anything do with healthspan, right? Come on man, throw us a bone! I'm 58, shredded my whole life, but now I'm just f'ed in the gym because my thumbs hurt when I pick up weights (bye-bye grip strength), I can barely squat with my knees, my neck hurts basically all the time. My doctor looks at the xray and says, "just normal arthritis and there's nothing to do about it." I've been to the rheumatologist. Nada. I can take nsaids basically. But do I want to live on those for the next 30-40 years? This deserves more than an AMA, it deserves and episode with the best guest on Earth. I don't know if you realize this doc, but we are all getting older here!!

Where to find a CGM without a prescription?

Hello! I'm in North Carolina and am trying to find a CGM without a prescription for my patients (I'm a licensed sports nutritionist), but have only come up with paid subscription programs. I haven't figured out why glucometers are available OTC, but CMGs are not. Thanks!

Continuous glucose monitoring

I’m convinced on the benefits of glucose monitoring. My doctor says it’s for diabetics. How can I get a CGM?

The Breast Cancer Podcast

How do we reconcile the data manipulation that is evident from many of your podcasts re WHI to lack of proper statistical reporting in the research with the overwhelming confidence that is spoken about with regard to the use of procedures like removing the ovaries of women and placing them on hormone removal medications. I am hopeful that AI will help us to remove some of the extreme bias I believe exists within the system. What are your thoughts about the subject in total?

zone 2

forgot to add this to my previous questions. i have heard or read that the main benefits of a zone 2 exercise session start after an hour but notice that Peter does 40 minute sessions. can you discuss what the research shows.