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monoclonal antibody treatment

monoclonal antibodies are being used for a variety of diseases. could you do a podcast or AMA explaining what they are, how they are used and their mechanism of action?

deer sticks and nitrates

maui deer sticks contain nitrate - of celery origin - a know carcinogen as can be converted in gut to nitrite. peter says he eats 6 or more per day--- any comment here ?

Trim Healthy Mama

Have you ever heard of or evaluated the Trim Healthy Mama method of eating, especially for those with weight management difficulty? The basic idea is to alternate between very low carb meals and very low fat meals, anchoring every meal with plenty of protein. I’m sure there are other names for this idea but that’s where we heard about it.

How do we let this happen?

As an HPB surgeon I relate to your experience so much. Thank you for all you do. Just got an email that DoorDash is offering alcohol delivery right to my door. Sad face emoji. Still waiting for your alter ego Johnny manjuro to stage some sort or protest. If so I’m in

Heart rate zone adjustments with fitness improvements

Over the last year I have focused on cycling to improve my fitness from a sedentary lifestyle. I have improved my FTP from 198 to 253 most recently while also increasing from 1.64 wts/kg to 2.42 wts/kg. I’ve noticed that my heart rate max during has increased at each of the 5 HR zones. My PFE based on my latest FTP doesn’t seem more strenuous or too difficult but I wonder if I should adjust my HR zone thresholds? I understand the max HR is physiological limit based on our design but I wonder if it’s ok to maintain progressive overload while my HR is higher. Should I back off training to allow my heart muscle to adapt? I hate to back off my pursuit of increasing the peak of my pyramid. I took a VO2 max test in July and it was 35. I’ll test again in 3 months so again, am I potentially overtraining based on my heart rate? Thanks for all you and your team do