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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Would you consider doing an episode purely on physics? Some of my favorite episodes of the drive podcast have been orthogonal subjects to human health and longevity, i.e. formula one, philanthropy, leadership, etc. After the episode with Rajpaul Attariwala on radiology, it is apparent that physics is a subject that inspires a great deal of passion in you. I believe that myself and your listenership as a whole would benefit from a podcast on the topic.

Zone 2 training and dose effects

What is the minimal daily dose of zone 2 training to increase the number of mithocondria and thereby improve metabolic health?

Recommendation for courses and areas to focus on

Dare Peter, I am a software engineer and has had a personal health transformation story after taking heed to folks like yourself. I could reverse depression, sleep issues, & completely go off of Psychiatric medicines and also get my body in reasonable shape over the last 18 months. A healthy and fit life is now very much part of me now. I have no or any background in biology and medicine related areas. But after stumbling upon the paradigm of eating right and working out right, I am very interested a pursue a learning path in Biology starting from the basics. My background is computer engineering and software development. I know some data analytics and I want to see if I can pursue some learnings around biology and bio-imformatics ( if I feel that is the right thing) to basically combine by compute skills and biology and pursue some line of learning in the area. So seeking your counsel as to some pointers on how I can get started on a learning path and what is the best way toward being more scientifically aware of what has happened to me as I started eating right and the fitness protocol and may be down the lane be able to help others too with health issues in a more educated manner. Appreciate your thoughts & inputs in this regards. Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks!

Menopause vs Manopause

Thinking about your 5 part interview with Thomas Dayspring I think there are two topics deserving an equally deep dive, menopause, and what I call menopause. There is a lot of information out there about menopause and age related hormonal changes for women, but for men it seems as though each topic is a separate topic. Testosterone – What is low “T”, what is optimal vs normal vs low? What tests should we request? Prostate cancer – I had a false test that almost led to a biopsy but fortunately I figured out that I had training related prostatitis and convinced my urologist to wait a month and test again and my PSA number came back normal. Erectile dysfunction (ED) – Is there the ED equivalent of Thomas Dayspring out there? They say ED is synonymous can also be called “early diagnosis”, meaning it likely points to hardening of the arteries, is this true? What are the current treatments? If daily dosing can improve endothelial function wouldn’t also help with atherosclerosis? What is the current research and future treatments? How does this topic overlap with cholesterol and “low T” (if at all)? Hair loss – Male pattern baldness Cardiovascular disease – since it seems to target men more than women, does the cause differ too? Should men and women have a different approach to preventing the number one killer in America?


In a podcast of yours I was listening to, I heard you speak of the cumulative dangers of daily Tylenol at any dose, without citation. I am a cardiologist an interested in your sources for that assertion.