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Hi Peter, Kind of a strange question... Apologize in advance... Are you familiar with any of the breathing science brought up by James Nester. I assume that you are at least somewhat familiar as you seem to have a broad scope of knowledge. Basically, breathing through the nose is great, through the mouth, not so much. There is a lot more to it but this is the general idea. As I person who has competed and trained a lot in the world of endurance sports, I would contend that it is virtually impossible to breath solely from the nose under the duress of such exertion. Do you think there is a possible link between prolonged "mouth aided breathing" and the upsidedown J curve that Dr. James O'Keefe speaking of in his recent discussion (podcast) with you. Perhaps this is way moderate exercise is SO beneficial when paradoxically it seems so counterintuative? And, most importantly, really bad things start to happen when the intensity is quite extreme.

Guest recommendation

Hi Peter, Not necessarily a question, but would love to see you interview someone who disputes the negative health consequences of sugar consumption (Alan Aragon, Layne Norton, etc.). I've really enjoyed the interviews with Rick Johnson, Robert Lustig, Gerald Shulman, and others, and it would be nice for you to talk with someone on the other side of the aisle.

Ivermectin Could you interview one of these doctors out of Texas? They have been trying to get the attention of the NIH, the CDC, WHO. The have no conflicts. They have an alliance FLCCC. They have some good data on Ivermectin. They called a press conference because they are frustrated with the lack of timely response from the establishment. Thank you.

Best way to determine zone 2 for the weekend warrior?

What's the best way to determine the boundary of zone 2 for the weekend warrior? Should one buy a device to measure lactate? Is there one you recommend?

Please do a deep dive into anti glycolytic training

I've met a few people that swear by these protocols, and it's personally helped me. But I'm curious what you think about this protocol and would love to see a deep dive from you. I'm curious if this is something I should do long term.