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Sondra's game plan

Hi, I read in Outlive about your friend "Sondra" and how she decided to stack the deck in her favor after her metastatic cancer diagnosis. I have just been diagnosed at 39, and it looks like it's in the closest lymph node but hasn't gone anywhere else yet. Can you share more of her protocol--leafy greens and olive oil were mentioned in the book but I'm sure there was more. Thank you.

The need for “complete” proteins. Protein quality scores.

In your interview with Don Lyman he said we dump on average 300g of protein in the form of senescent calls etc. every day. The liver can scavenge and reuse any amino acids in short supply as needed. Given these two situations why would we need to worry much about how complete a protein source is? In at least one small RCT pea protein and whey protein supplementation had similar muscle building results suggesting protein quality scores may be over-worrying this issue.

Statin selection (or other lipid-lowering therapies) in Endurance Athletes

Hi Peter, Clinical pharmacist here - I manage lipids, DM, and HTN in primary care setting. I'm wondering if you may have a statin-of-choice in endurance athletes? Despite low risk of rhabdo in general population, I've wondered if folks like ultra-marathoners, etc. should temporarily go off statin surrounding race time? Or if there is a more hepatocyte-selective statin? Would greatly appreciate your input!

Is my body fat too low?

I have heard and read quite a bit from you about reducing body fat. What about gaining body fat? I am a 60-year-old woman, 114 pounds, 5' 5" with 18.5 % body fat. My doctor thinks that is too low. In my own research, I don't think that is the case, but as I get older, it appears I should have a higher fat percentage. How do I know how much body fat I should actually have and at what age?

long-term use of oral contraceptives and cancer risk

Hey Peter, thanks for all the great content you bring to your podcasts One suggestion (that I would love to hear from you) would be your take on the association between long-term oral contraceptive use and cancer risk (like progestogen-only pills vs estrogen-progestogen combined pills) This is also part of mapping out the cancer risk of women approaching menopause and helping them take an informed decision on HRT Thanks