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In your practice would you advise healthy 55 year olds (good bloods, cholesterol, glucose etc) with a calcium score of 8 to take statins

Current State of Thyroid Surgery

Is there a deep dive episode regarding surgical procedures for thyroid conditions? Is this something that is reasonable? Thank you

At what age should someone consider statins?

Hey Peter, at what age should someone consider statins? In August '22 I had a high LDL-C (147), LDL-P(1705), & ApoB(109). Lp(a) was <10 nmol/L I'm 34, 6 feet, 170 lbs (never been overweight), and exercise regularly. After getting these numbers back I made some changes to my diet at home - no more butter, far less cheese, no full-fat yogurt, no half & half/whole milk (I had been eating a lot of these), less meats with saturated fats. I still eat out occasionally where I probably don't do as well. I just got my LDL-C again in October '23 and it has gone up to 165. I don't have LDL-P or ApoB yet. How would you suggest I approach this? Are there more dietary things I should change? Or should I consider starting statins soon? It definitely feels weird to consider that because I don't have any other risk factors I'm aware of. Also, triglycerides are 62mg/dL & HDL is 72 mg/DL. Thanks for all you do

Lab tracking template

Is it possible to get a copy of your template to track labs? I have been attempting to create one myself but I struggle with how much detail to include/capture and how to best extrapolate information from it.

Swimming in chlorinated water

What are the health implications of swimming or hot tubbing in chlorinated water?