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Vaccines in general for longevity

First time writing, listening since episode 1! In this age, vaccines and boosters carry a much different tone than they have previously. I’m a pharmacist, and I generally agree with CDC recommendations for most vaccines, but with the “Booster for everyone” approach from the CDC, I’m left with more questions than answers. The data that are cited are unclear, and that’s being generous. Anyway, with that pretext, my question is more or less, how do you think about vaccinations in general (including ongoing boosters for COVID, flu vaccines, and others (prevnar, etc.)) and their effects on longevity? Knowing that the potential risks in some populations may outweigh benefits of vaccination.

Thyroid Health and CVD

Hi Peter- On your Podcast #256 regarding the endocrine system, you discuss the thyroid. You show how T4 (Levo), can convert to rT3 in some patients. This is me. It started when I was late into Peri-meno which is also suspicious to me. My doctor currently dropped back on the Levo and instead added Liothyronine. I believe this has made a difference. In that Podcast, you list a couple factors for this: inflammation or insulin resistance. If this is the case, is it true that this kind of hypothyroidism can be treated by addressing inflammation and insulin resistance and allow you to get off the meds? I also have had some issues with stabilizing my blood pressure since becoming hypothyroid- most concerning is the diastolic bp that wants to sit around 88 even on 50mg of Losartan. Can you address how the thyroid impacts factors like blood pressure (for example, does low T3 increase blood pressure or effect diastolic bp), or any other CVD risks? I would love a deeper dive on the thyroid. You did a spectacular job covering HRT hormones, but it seems that you largely have left out thyroid function and any new findings (if there are any) as its dysfunction applies to CVD and insulin resistance. How can I treat IR and where is this mysterious "inflammation?" Thanks


Can we have an AMA or interview about immunity? It’s seems like this has been covered in the context of COVID, but how about in relation to lifespan. This podcast is legit. You guys have been at it now for a long while and have retained your integrity from the start. Thank you.

Vo2Max vs zone 2 threshold

I have heard Peter talk a lot about the research on Vo2Max but have heard less about the research on zone 2 threshold. Curious how to think about the relative importance of these two metrics. Also are there good ways to measure zone 2 threshold? I was given a zone 2 ran free when I did a vo2max test but not sure how accurate that is. Additionally for zone 3 threshold do you have any guidance as to what is an optimal number here?

Zero calcium score

You mention you have one patient (only one? ) that has high LDL and Apob but zero calcium score. And you don’t Medicate her. I have fought my doctors and this as my KPI’s are al it’s identical although I have very hi Lp(a) and lipid particles. . Is a CT angiogram conclusive enough? Can you develop plaque later in life? Can it affect your brain? Vascular dimentia?