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SGLT2 inhibitors

are SGLT2 inhibitors suitable for prediabetics with hA1c of 6.2?

Cerebral angiogram for berry aneurysm.

In one of your podcasts you commented on the superior quality of the AIM imaging center in Vancouver. In your opinion does the quality differential between the Vancouver facility versus many of the academic centers in US ...justify flying to Vancouver if money is not an object?

Olympic weightlifting and stability

Hi Peter, I do olympic weightlifting (snatches and clean-and-jerks) 3x per week as part of my strength training program. Is it appropriate to "count" this as part of stability?

Is it possible to have excessive B12?

My question is above, but I am my own example. I am a 59 year old female athlete and quite thin. In Canada our B12 sufficiency measure is 220 pmol/L and I take no vitamin supplements except sometimes vitamin C as I am trying to understand why my B12 has been in the 1400-1800 range for 3 years, so I don't want to take extra. I keep being told it will go down but never seems to lower. Is there research on this?

How do we calculate incomplete proteins?

In trying to reach a daily protein goal, how does one calculate incomplete proteins? Are there daily requirements for each essential amino acid?