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Full episode on SGLT2 inhibitors looking at CV outcome & kidney data?

Is there going to be a full episode looking at the effects of SGLT2 inhibitors in humans? I know the topic was discussed in the Rich Miller episode, but the width and breadth of the CV outcome and kidney trials for SGLT2 inhibitors has shown such remarkable results, I wish Peter could do an full deep dive. For example, it's still not clear to me if we have scientific consensus on what the biological pathway is through which SLGT2i help the heart. I know Peter is always looking for the perfect guest for a particular topic, but in the absence of one, may I suggest Prof. Milton Packer?

Confused: 2023 meta-analysis says that intensive LDL-C lowering was not associated with further reductions in all-cause mortality

I just stumbled on this meta-analysis "Extent of Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Reduction and All-cause and Cardiovascular Mortality Benefit: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis", https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih/pmc/articles/PMC9812424/. A snippet from the abstract: Sixty randomized controlled trials totaling 323,950 participants were included. .......... Intensive LDL-C percent lowering was not associated with further reductions in all-cause mortality ........Intensive LDL-C percent lowering did not further reduce CV mortality". I used to be a "cholesterol skeptic" but after listening to your podcasts, I've started to change my mind. Then this study comes and throws a wrench in my changing process. What am I missing? What have they done wrong?

Statins and Total Cholesterol

I'm a new member. I just joined. Thank you very much for all the informative, cutting-edge information you share with us. For the past 9 years I have been taking Rosuvastatin. When I take 10 mg my LDL-C is usually around 85 and my total Cholesterol is a little over 150. When I take 20 mg my LDL-C goes as low as 59 and my total Cholesterol goes down to around 120. My concern is that a total Cholesterol of 120 is too low. From what I have read the brain and body need sufficient cholesterol to perform optimally. I had a heart attack 9 years ago and that is why my cardiologist wants me to lower my LDL-C to under 70. He even said that a LDL-C of 30-40 mg would be fine, as you mention in your article. He has now suggested that I take 40 mg of Rosuvastatin to get it down even more. Any input on what healthy total Cholesterol levels should be? Thank you.

Red Rice Yeast

I am curious on your thoughts around Red Rice Yeast and it's effectiveness as a preliminary treatment before statins.

Antibiotics for anti-aging

Any thoughts on this?