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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Are you still shooting the Hoyt RX-4? Have you considered shooting the new rig from Dudley, the PSE Nock On Evo NTN 33? I have the itch for a new rig. If you were buying today, would you go Hoyt or PSE?

How to plan finances for a long health span?

So, not exactly a health question, but you are a mathematician, and expert on risk planning and mitigation so ... In David Sinclair's book there's a passage on one consequence of longer health spans and lifespans - needing to shift our assumptions about 'retirement age', corporate cultures around this, delaying retirement, or not retiring at all, implications for pension plans, actuarial science etc, the workforce, etc. Can you touch on this in some way - maybe have someone from the Stanford Center on Longevity on to talk about the myriad ways we should plan our lives and societal structures and institutions and assumptions around retirement age, retirement planning, lifelong learning (universities having unique degree programs for people in their 60s and 70s etc.?), financial planning for old age, etc.


Thoughts on LEVELS continuous glucose monitor?

Is Lactose intolerant reversible? why doesn't ultra-pasteurized whole milk upset my stomach but pasteurized milk does?

I remember growing up drinking milk almost every day and especially when I went to New Zealand for high school, I probably drink at least 500ml every day. I can't remember when was the first time that I realized it but I become lactose intolerant and now I get diarrhetic from just 50ml of milk (pasteurized). The symptoms that I get from eating yogurt is much less, but I can still feel the discomfort. I am wondering if lactose intolerant is something reversible, and that I can train my body to start producing the enzyme for lactose? also, what substance is removed from the ultra-pasteurization process that made the milk less "intolerable"?

Normal blood glucose curve

Hi Dr. Attia, I'm trying to stave off the onset of T2 diabetes using a CGM and watching my diet (including time restricted feeding). What should an ideal curve look like from the CGM during the day, and what should the mean/std dev be? Thanks