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LP(a) and how it fits into the Cholesterol pathway

Can I expand on the role of LP(a) as it relates to LDL and ApoB? I always had elevated LDL levels but very low LP(a) of 4mg/dl. I wonder if there are epigenetic differences on how these lipids are structured and if looking into just one value might lead to a distorted picture.

Stronger by Science Episode

The Stronger by Science folks do an awesome job of breaking down studies showing an adequate amount of protein to maintain/build muscle ( They come to the conclusion that ~1.25 g/kg bw is sufficient. I'd be interesting in hearing your unemotional, non-dietary dogma-based thoughts on this! Thank you for not giving cheap, easy answers, but instead taking the trouble to explore the science!

herniated disk

on your next PT heavy ama - could you touch on rest, pharma/nutraceutical, progressive pt approaches to non-surgical disk injuries? you’ve covered cruciates injury on the excellent episode on lower body ortho. knees and backs seems to be the most common probs in my middle-aged athletic peer group - curious to learn best practices (and avoidance strategies) for back injuries.

chronic neuropathic pain

My wife has been in chronic pain for several years, ulnar distribution bilateral (cervical involvement r/o via manual exam and advanced imaging) with previous transposition due to chronic subluxation that began the cycle of pain. Typical pain medications have been ineffective and conservative spectrum of care has been exhausted as well. What are your thoughts on rapamycin's impact on MTOR and the impacts that could have for chronic pain? Can you expand more on the conversation in last week's episode with tx involving ketamine as well. Are there other types of medications in the works you have seen be impactful for this type of condition?

Strength training

You have beautifully explained the importance of strength and lean mass on longevity. I think that Pavel Tsatsouline would make for an incredible podcast. His teaching's through strongfirst and long preached research (anti glycolytic training) seeminly mirrors your thoughts on zone 2. Could you try to have him on as a guest?