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Fat intake and lab markers

what inflammatory or cholesterol markers should you follow and how frequently to check them to adjust your fat intake?

Niemann-Pick C1 Like1

Given the fact that the Niemann-Pick C1 Like1 receptors function differently from person to person (cholesterol gets easily vacuumed past the enterocyte in some, while in others cholesterol passes through to be excreted) can one make a statement that cholesterol in food does not raise LDL/HDL cholesterol unilaterally? It seems to me that for some, eating food high in cholesterol could in fact get absorbed and become cardiovascularly problematic.

weight lifting after an angioplasty

After reading your book, I asked my doctor to order a calcium score and stress test. I am 62 years old male. history of diabetes that is controlled with metformin (A1c 5.2 ). blood work is all WNL except higher LDL. I am active and enjoy weightlifting. Unfortunately, my calcium score was very high 1025 and the stress test was positive but no pain during or after the test. your book may have saved me from an unexpected MI, Thank you. I am scheduled for a cardiac cath. in the near future. My question is under what conditions you would advise your patients to stop weight training? I am getting conflicting advice. I understand many factors can influence the answer to this question, but I would appreciate a broad answer to this question.


What are your thoughts on micro dosing? And the natural axis

Zone 2 cardio

What are your thoughts on doing zone 2 cardio on people how are meditated with beta blockers