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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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View on longevity supplements

Do you take / what is your view on proclaimed longevity supplements such as NNM (nicotinamide mononucleotide), Resveratrol, CAK (calcium alpha-ketoglutarate), Quercetin, Fisetin, and Spermidine?

Metabolic health Improvement for obese/overweight patients

Do the studies of Inigo San Millan and others on mitochondrial function prove that once people get obese/ develop insulin resistance it is much harder for them to loose body fat compared to those with healthy mitochondrial function? ( trying to understand if at a certain point obesity is about biology over willpower) ; Do the new medications like semaglutide and Tirzepatide have any improvement on fatty acids oxidation during zone 1-2 training and the mitochondrial function overall at least while the patient is taking them? And is there a way for those with mitochondrial dysfunction to improve their RER / RQ, improve oxidation of fatty acids ? ( trying to understand if there is a way to get my mitochondrial function into a healthy state from dysfunctional).

Astaxanthin: what do you think?

Hi Peter, first thank you for all your incredible work. I was wondering what is your take on Astaxanthin. There are some very positive claims about its effects on a variety of health concerns, and some of those claims seem to be based on what is supposed to be very solid scientific evidence (some say that there are over 3000 papers on the subject, and many studies on human subjects as well). See, for example (but not only) the following from a source (dr Hyman) that seem to be reputable: What is your take on Astaxanthin? Strong claims require strong evidence, in my opinion. I couldn't find a comment of yours on the subject .

Rapamycin dosage optimization

I have recently started taking oral rapamycin weekly (3mg every Friday). What bio markers should I look for changes in and what changes should facilitate titrating (increasing / decreasing) the dose?

Fasting and loss of muscle vs loss of fat

If I'm an overweight but not obese 65-year-old female why would I not lose fat when fasting? Why would my body break down muscle versus readily available fat if I'm also weight training and I'm getting adequate protein during non-fasting window (i.e., 3-day fast once per month)?