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Traumatic Brain Injury, Spect Scans, and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

How affective are Brain Spect Scans for identifying traumatic brain injury?

Hearing aid recommendation

I have been reading and listening to your sessions about hearing loss. Is there a brand or brands of hearing aids that you would recommend? This is for my mother who is 83 years old. She is currently wearing hearing aids from Costco. Thank you!

Decline in strength in later years

1. Do the statistics on “strength decline” in later decades assume any particular level of exercise or lack thereof to counteract the loss? 2. Is there any reason to think that sufficient regular exercise late into life, even to the end of life, would not significantly counteract or even eliminate the loss of strength?

Physician Specialization

Question from a current medical student. Knowing what you know now about your specific interests in medicine and longevity. If you could go back in time, would you still do the surgery and cancer route? Or is there another field or another specialty you feel would have benefited you more based on the work you do now.

How to tell if you're under- or over-nourished, or neither?

As an under-muscled female, how do I tell if I'm (1) under-nourished and should eat a surplus of calories while weight training or (2) sufficiently nourished and do not need a calorie surplus? (For context, I'm 30 yrs old, 5' tall, 105 pounds, with an ALMI of 6.13 kg/m^2.)