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Protocol adjusted for someone who has ASCVD?

Peter's exercise portfolio for longevity makes a lot of sense: 50% cardio (80/20 zone 2 vs. zone 5) 50% strength training etc - and apply that to however much time you can allocate. But what about someone who has ASCVD - does your recommendation/goal change significantly? Perhaps we can assume two profiles: Patient A: Extremely healthy, 5+ hours of weekly exercise, asymptomatic, top 5% V02max, low ApoB with statins. And Patient B: Maybe someone new to exercise. Both in their early 40s. In something like that, do you change the protocol (perhaps to getting even more zone 2 in for vascular health?) Thanks for everything you're doing!

Thoughts about the MARC-2 masters athlete study, and advice for endurance athletes with high calcium scores.

Curious if Peter has discussed the relatively new MARC-2 study ( of masters-aged athletes and the interesting discussion it presents about exercise duration vs. intensity as risk factors for ASCVD. As a life-long endurance athlete and a competitive masters rower, who also has a high (>600) calcium score, I'm interested in advice on how to move into my 60s and beyond. I'm on statins and they don't affect my training much ... what other protective measures does Peter suggest?

Blood flow restriction and blood pressure

If I read the news reports correctly, there is a strongly positive association between isometric exercises, such as wall sits, and blood pressure. Do you think there is any likelihood of a similar association between blood flow restriction training and blood pressure, given the theories on why isometric holds improve blood pressure?

Dexcom 7

Peter have your switched to Dexcom 7? If so, is it as accurate as Dexcom 6? Thank you!

V02 max weekly training & Rucking, stability v. strength training

I apologize for my multi prong question. I am 50 yo woman in great shape exercising to prevent Alzheimer's (3/4 APOE): 1) Can I break up my 1 hour of V02 max training over 4 days at 15 minutes (per week)? Same way way I break up my 4.5 hours of zone 2 training. I know Peter does his full hour of V02 max after 45 minutes of zone 2 on Sundays, but I just find it really hard and undesirable to do zone 4 or 5 for 1 hour. Any benefits to breaking it up? 2), I love to walk outdoors with my dogs and trying and accomplish my zone 2 training this way but obviously not getting to my zone 2 heart rate (no hills, etc.) Could I accomplish this by wearing a weighted vest? or can I do rucking for my weekly zone 2, 45 minute workouts, 4x per week? 3) Peter talks about "stability training" , he does this 6 days /week. What are examples of stability training and how does it differ from strength training? For me, again 50 yo, great shape, I do only 30 minutes of strength training 4 days per week, I hope that is enough from my small frame (16% body fat, 0.04lbs visceral fat, 93 lbs lean mass (79%). I weigh 117 lbs. ALMI 6.61 kg/m (average). FFMI 16.7 kg/m (almost above average). Anything longer, just hurts ;-) Thank you.