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Adam Cohen mentioned that a small group of patients who have had ACL reconstruction are classified as "inflame-type". The show notes say "Adam thinks this is where biologics may come in at some point to push someone back from the catabolic state to the anabolic state." As someone suffering years of low-grade inflammation in my ACL, I'd love to know what the recommended protocol is for inflamma-type patients. Thank you.

Mesenchymal stem cells for Osteoarthritis of the Hip

I have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the hip. My specific MRI states mild degenerative changes to the acetabulum and a mild degenerative narrowing at the hip joint, minimal chronic intrasubstance tearing involving the right hamstring insertion. I listened to your podcast with Andy Cohen. I did not hear him mention the effectiveness of this Mesenchymal stem cell treatment as it is not FDA-approved. I realize that the use of mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of osteoarthritis and other medical conditions is a topic of ongoing research and debate in the medical community. While some studies have shown promising, I can't seem to get a straight answer from my orthopedic doctor in Austin Texas. I have been quoted 23K to have treatment in Panama with the Stem Cell Institute. This includes 120 million expanded allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells (intravenous administration) for 4 days. Do you have any input on the effectiveness of this type of stem cell treatment? Have you ever considered interviewing Dr. Neil Riordan or an expert in this field? I am 50 years old and I would like to do every possible intervention before hip replacement surgery. I am an active individual and I have been told that I need to stop running. I am not sure if this type of stem cell treatment is worth the money and I have not had any luck in finding an unbiased opinion. Thank you for considering this question.

Exercise and Beta Blockers

Would really be interested in understanding the guidelines for exercise and how to determine exercise zones, Maximum Heart Rate, Heart Rate Recovery , VO2 max etc. while taking cardioinhibitory drugs like Beta-blockers and Calcium-channel blockers. I've asked all my doctors and none of them had any real answers beyond using the percieved exertion scale

Is this still Dr. Attia's current view regarding the root causes of ASCVD

Is this still Dr. Attia's current view regarding the root causes of ASCVD? Excerpt from his "The straight dope on cholesterol - Part IX "Putting it all together It is very difficult to make the case that when carbohydrates in general, and sugars in particular, are removed or greatly reduced in the diet, insulin resistance is not improved, even in the presence of high amounts of saturated fats. When insulin resistance improves (i.e., as we become more insulin sensitive), we are less likely to have the signs and symptoms of metabolic syndrome. As we meet fewer criteria of metabolic syndrome, our risk of not only heart disease, but also stroke, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease goes down."

Manual BP Cuff Recommendations?

In AMA #48 Blood Pressure--How to measure... podcast we learn "Peter finds the manual readings to be more accurate." Are there top brands, features or preferred websites that Peter can recommend to put us on the right path to daily BP monitoring?