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Portable Metabolic Analyzers

Can you speak on the accuracy of the PNOE portable breath analyzer for metabolic health and VO2 max testing? Thank you

Radon exposure risks

How concerned should we be with daily mild radon exposure (re ~0.5 IpCi/L). I just learned that much of Chicagoland is exposed to radon, albeit more mild levels.

Medicine 3.0 for kids/teenager

What are Peter thoughts on how to apply medicine 3.0 principles to kids & teenagers? What tests & protocols does he suggest to get them started early on the right track?

Zone 2 / energy systems across differing muscles

I mostly understand zone 2 and energy systems when looking at an isolated muscle or muscle group and that fast and slow twitch coexist side by side and even probably intertwined. Considering that there are multiple muscles / muscle groups used while running for example, are some operating in zone 2 while others are 3,4,5, or do the “gear shifts” occur system wide in the body? Could my hamstrings being activating fast twitch while my gluts and arms swinging are mostly slow twitch? Implication example: if I do a lot of zone 2 running, would it increase lactate clearance while doing bicep curls even though they are not used in running?


"iron overload" Could you please provide some insight for this? Never heard of it until recent, did a comprehensive lab panel, and now that term seems to be surfacing everywhere I turn. Could it be a hidden problem, treatment thoughts (phlebotomy), other risk factors, the genetics behind it, etc? In other words, your usual easy to digest straight and narrow, thanks!