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Protandim NRF2 Synergizer (and the other Protandim products NRF1 and NAD synergizer)

Do these products have the scientific evidence to support their claims or is this just an MLM scam? There are so many positive 'anecdotal' stories and some MDs and PhDs that advocate for their use, but it is hard to know if they benefit financially. Most of those who advocate for them on social media platforms are 'functional / holistic / integrative' practitioners who generally speak poorly about allopathic medicine. I would really love your thoughts as I am having trouble sorting through the studies. Please do no use my name. Thank you for your time! PS..I also assume that if this product was the magic pill that they claim it to be, you and Dr. Huberman would be using it!

Micky Collins- Biased Source.

I'll start this by saying I am a long time listener of The Drive, dating back to 2018. Over the years I've listened dutifully to The Drive and have shared it with family and friends. What has always impressed me has been Peter's willingness to push back against his guest when it seems they may be misrepresenting the truth, or not presenting both sides of an argument. I'm not a casual listener as it relates to the topic of concussions- I am a Sport Dietitian who worked in collegiate football for 7 years and now works with extreme sports athletes at the highest level. I have presented on the topic of concussions & nutrition and have spent hundreds of hours reading literature & attending lectures on concussions. While I am definitely not an expert on concussions, I am familiar enough with the literature that I can tell when someone is cherry-picking or misrepresenting the broader literature. That is why I found myself incredibly disappointed upon listening to the most recent episode of The Drive. While I was aware of Micky Collins ahead of this podcast, and the criticism he faced in the book "League of Denial" I was still excited to hear his conversation with Peter. It became quickly apparent upon listening to the podcast that Micky was unwilling to discuss or entertain the other side of the argument as it relates to the long-term consequences of concussions and sub-concussive impacts. No matter the topic, it is a red flag when any "expert" speaks in absolutes and does not acknowledge the other side of an argument or discuss the nuances of a topic. While I agree with Micky's argument that there is danger in people believing they have CTE and there is nothing they can do about it, I also think it's very dangerous to present the argument that concussions or sub-concussive impacts cause no long-term consequences. Frankly, there are a large number of MDs and researchers who would disagree with Dr.Collins views. I hope The Drive plans to have additional researchers on over the coming weeks to present the opposite side of the argument. Respectfully.

Doctor says to measure ApoB is not possible

I made a blood test and wanted to measure ApoB. My doctor told me this is not possible and that you only can measure HDL and LDL. I live in Germany. Can’t every Laboratory measure this?

Amino Acid Supplementation vs. Protein Consumption Ratio

If you decide to take amino acid supplements (EAA & BCAA), how do those doses compare with actual protein consumption? Proteins obviously break down into their constituent aminos, but if you supplement with the aminos directly, how would you know the equivalent protein intake?

Venous health

I know many people who have varicose veins and venous insufficiency and it has an impact on the health quality of many. What are the different causes of venous insufficiency, how can it be prevented and treated. Concerning pathologies from varicose veins to rectal hemorrhoids I think it would be an interesting discussion. As many docs say that with venous insufficiency you shouldn't lift big weights which is important for longevity. It would be an interesting discussion on a topic that gets almost no attention