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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Exercise frequency

Dear Peter, I ask 58, 6’1 and 94kg. I have always exercised and for the last 2 years I have fasted (16/8). I have a sedentary lifestyle and now travel a lot both domestically and internationally. Huge responsibilities - but I have a good team to talk the load. I live in New Zealand so international travel makes it hard. And quite often I will finish late when at home but I will get a workout done late in the evening even if it’s for 20 minutes. . It’s hard maintaining an exercise routine with gym equipment so I now have things down to bodyweight because it’s reliable. I had chronic back problems which are fine now - but I avoid deadlifts. Discipline isn’t really a matter for me but time is. I can do 4-5 workouts, one hour a week. Sometimes when I am travelling I am down to 2-3 workouts. My question is how would I break and structure my week within a -4-5 day one hour workout?

Accuracy of the Eight sleep pod 3 sleep tracking?

What are Peter’s thoughts on Eight sleep’s sleep tracking capabilities and its accuracy? I ordered an Eight sleep pod 3 system with the member’s discount and have received much better sleep quality assessments, as in more deep/REM sleep etc, from this than from my Fitbit, they also tend to disagree about deep sleep periods, but other metrics seems very aligned, HRV, breathing, pulse etc.

HRV and VO2 MAX - weak correlation

Hi Peter, I am puzzled about the following trends over the last 5 years: - My VO2 MAX has been stable, around 50 (annual lab treadmill tests); - My night HRV, as measured by Oura, has dropped from low 30s to high 20s; - My HRV measured by Oura Moment (first thing am) has been stable (60-80 on avg). I am turning 50 next year and fairly active/healthy otherwise. What do I make of the nocturnal HRV low levels/negative trend? Thanks! - I am male turning 50 next

Microbiome, blood sugar and fat tests

What are your thoughts on blood sugar, fat and microbiome tests such as the Zoe programme? Do you think these provide any useful information to young vs older patients? Asking from the UK where access to testing is more limited to outwardly healthy people. Thank you.


What are your thoughts on bluetooth emitted from a watch / CGM? Is there any evidence of harm and should we be cautious given wearing these all day every day? Many thanks.