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Kidney Function egfr

Ive been concerned about my kidney function for a while as Im 52 and was getting egfr's of 65 and even 45 (even w the cystatin C method. I found a calcultion that adjusts for BMI (uses height & weight) that gave me a boost to 93.5 mL/min (squared). Is this Cockcroft gault equation accurate?

Cystatin C

Hi Peter, in your recent AMA you discussed goals for eGFR; however, I don’t remember you mentioning a goal for Cystatin C. What do you look for please? Thank you very much!


What is gallbladder sludge and how to get rid of it. Thank you


What is the function of the appendix and what is the consequence of removal please? Thank you very much!

Having rotator cuff surgery I

What are some good supplements to take for post-surgery? Any other recommendations to speed up recovery?