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Statins and Type 2 Diabetes

What are your thoughts on the use of statins for Type 2 diabetics. Statins tend to raise blood sugar, so obviously net a great idea for folks with Type 2 diabetes. My appo B is 111 and my A1C is 6.7. I know your push for the appo B to be below 80 and I an not sure I can get there with food and exercise. Thanks for looking at this question

Galleri Test for Cancer Screening

Peter, it looks like others have asked this question but I cannot find a response on the site: what are your thoughts on the Galleri cancer early detection test? From what I can tell it costs about $1000.

Red meat consumption and cancer

Hi Peter- i would love to hear your views on the this topic.

Splitting Zone 5 training beneficial?

I like doing Zone 5 after strength training. Does it make a difference if one does it once per week 4x4min or split it in 2 times a week (on my strength days), so that I do the intervalls 2x4min on 2 days?? Is it beneficial to do a lot of zone 5 intervalls in one setting on one day or can I split them so that on the end of the week I have the same volume but splitted on different days?

Weighted vest versus backpack - rucking

What is your opinion of a weighted vest versus a backpack for rucking? Is there a health benefit of one versus the other? Effectiveness benefit?