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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Demystify how to “eat healthy”

Your recommendations on diet - specifically to lower heart disease risk when one might have some genetic predisposition.

Young adult GFR reversal

Hello! Big fan. I am in my late 20s, exercise everyday, normal blood levels for just about everything by have a eGFR of just over 100. Seems like that’s low based on what Peter talks about. You have mentioned things that people can do to increase it if they’re in big trouble but what should someone my age do?

Electrolyte supplements

How do you know if you should be drinking things like LMNT or Nuun vs. water? How often? Conscious of extra salt being too much salt and impacting kidneys

Feet Health

Can we have a dedicated episode or AMA about feet health - specifically, how to prevent injuries and strengthen? Also, matters such as how to choose a running shoe (i.e. heel drop? wide toe-box? etc) depending on one's ability, what's the biomechanically best type of foot strike, etc. How can one correct (or at least ameliorate the symptoms of) deformed toes due to years of improper shoes? How to strengthen all of the complex feet musculature - so they can in turn support the rest of the body properly? (Just some background: building my training program on Peter's advise I have increased my movement menu and incorporated rucking, light jogging, etc. I started having plantar fascitis, metatarsalgia, as well as a bad case of 'turf toe'. Recovery has been months in the process and it's still going on. I had never had such an appreciation about how critical our feet are for overall physical health - and even mental. Walking with pain every day does take a toll). I hope we can get an episode on this!

Pregnancy + Type 1 diabetes (T1D)

I realize this is a fairly niche demographic, but it's really difficult to find good information on how to properly strategize for a pregnancy with T1D. Insulin requirements seem to be all over the map depending on where the mother is in the term (I've read 2-3x in the second and third trimesters). I think it could be super helpful to interview a guest with a deep understanding of the physiological changes a T1D mother experiences, so she could better strategize the already high-risk pregnancy. Or perhaps you can recommend a paper, book or podcast?