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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Hydration for active people

How do we track our hydration level? How do we know how much water we should drink if we work out for 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 2 hours?

Breath, Lungs, O2, & CO₂ (not a question)

It would be great to hear you have an educational and informative conversation with Patrick McKeown. One area you have not addressed much of is the need and benefits of proper breathing. It would be a fantastic and educational conversation. Just a thought. Have a great week.

Clarity on the Laukannen Finland Study

Thanks for all of the great content - it has changed my life! I'm planning to invest in a sauna, but one issue I have with the major study out of Finland is that they only asked about sauna frequency one time at the start of the study, ~20 years ago. Does this concern you that the data might be all off? If someone originally said 4-7X/week but through the years changed to 1X or 2X/week, we'd have no idea which frequency is actually the best. Same with the control group - perhaps a significant portion of those individuals increased to 6X/week and everything is skewed. Thoughts?


HI DR. ATTIA, did you ever try acupuncture ? i'm practice acupuncture for more than 20 years and wonder if you ever search that field and find any benefit for you or your patiance' thanks.

Tadalafil 10 mg (Friday and Saturday) and Latic acid build up along with loss of max power while cycling

I’m taking Tadalafil 10 mg on Friday and Saturday (weekly pill), and I’m noticing an unusual increase in lactic acid while cycling to the point that I have to reduce the intensity of the workout. Also, I can’t reach the maximum power threshold I used to reach during similar efforts. Based on my uneducated research (extracted below), I wonder if the drug causes these two symptoms. Conclusion: The primary finding of this investigation was that the administration of a single dose of a long-term PDE-5i does not substantially influence anaerobic performance indices. However, results demonstrated both an increase in lactate values at the 3-min point of the recovery phase and a decrease in time to peak power. If this is true, should I consider reducing the dosage to 5 mg (Friday and Saturday), or what should I consider? Thank you!