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Gallbladder and Gall stones

I went from long periods of fasting to eating much more with the content advice you've been putting out regarding protein, and sufficient calorie consumption to grow lean body mass. I am on board for more mass, muscle mass and strength overall, however, with the periods of fasting, adapting to that, and then moving to more calories, I have developed Gall stones and other discomfort regarding digestion at times. I have adjusted the amount of whole eggs ive been eating, and reduced sugar, and overall saturated fat content and Ive felt much better, but sometimes when insulin is high, i'll have other bouts of discomfort. My question is, is there anything to be said about the amount of cholesterol and insulin relation, amount of saturated fat or high amounts of protein mixed with too many carbohydrates, or even eating too often that could contribute to gall stones, or gallbladder disease in general. These issues in me have taken me into research relating to this, but I am wondering your teams take on everything. Thank you so much for what you do!

Statins effect on mitochondria

I’ve seen numerous articles on the fact that statins damage mitochondria and thanks to you and Inigo I am a zone2 practitioner. My question is about the apparent trade off in deciding on taking statins while trying to increase mitochondria density. What are your thoughts on that? My doctor recommended statins as a preventative measure (my LDL is 110) and I started taking beginning dose of 5mg rosuvastatin. Even at this low dose, I see my zone 2 wattage is dropped around 7-8 percent ( I measure my blood lactate levels after each zone 2 exercise). I will continue increasing the dose towards the target 20-30 mg, while continuing to do zone2 training. But I am curious whether you continue to recommend statins or suggest using the fancier alternatives you mentioned in the book.

Climbing as a sports for longevity

Hi Dr. Attia I would really like to take you to climbing as I find the climbing sports in general aligns with many long terms health benefits and training goals you promote. We climbers usually have unusual high grip and finger strength (and special tools to train for these), body control and long active sustained power output (zone 2). As we fight against gravity constantly, we also benefit from training for lean body mass, high strength to muscle ratio, joint strength and the mental game (going over our limit and not afraid of failure). So I want to get your opinion on the trainings we do for climbing by experiencing climbing (both bouldering and top rope) and the training routines. Let me know anytime! I am in Toronto.

Max heart rate equation

Hello Peter, Im curious to know your input on the equation used to determine your max hear rate (220 minus age) . Im a 41 year old female and when running or doing a more intense cardio workout my heart rate regularly gets to low 180s. I actually stopped wearing my iwatch because the time I spent in the “red zone” freaked me out -though I feel fine other than feeling exerted. I have been running for years. My rate drops quickly when stopping but Im wondering if this tendency is a cause for concern. Thank you!

Recommendations for DNA sequencing companies

Regarding companies that are doing DNA sequencing. Do you have opinions about any of them? ie Nebula Genomics / Sequencing Inc. The price of this is amazingly in expensive for what is offered.