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Prostate size

Urologists say the prostate increases in size as we age which results in altered urinary function. Is this indeed part of aging, like the loss of muscle strength is part of aging? Or can we strive to reach our last decade without an enlarged prostate and the annoying urinary symptoms? Topics of interest include: prostate health supplements, stretching, exercises, breath work, ejaculatory frequency, impact from TRT.

MRI Scan

When should an average female get a whole-body MRI scan such as Prenuvo for preventative reasons?

Estrogen levels during TRT

How to reduce the estrogen level to normal and maintain the proper free testosterone when on TRT therapy?

Collateral circulation

For someone diagnosed with CVD but is taking significant steps with statins, exercise and diet - how can they assess collateral circulation development? What exercise regimen optimizes collateral circulation development?

Metformin and muscle

How do I determine whether or not to stay on Metformin? I’m on it for anti aging , but at 66 I am trying to build muscle. Please help me ‘thread the needle’. Thank you… for all you do,