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chronic venous insufficiency and weight training

Hi, im 30 years old and I love to lift weights. Some years ago I got the diagnose of a light chronic venous insufficiency. The doctor mentioned that weight lifting would be not the right sport for my veins and I should think about quitting. But you always mention that weight lifting is super important for longevity purposes and I really love to lift weights. Do you think in such a n case weight lifting is still net positive? So maybe it's not so good for the veins but the effect on general health and also life quality weighs the negative effect out? Or would you consider quitting weight lifting if you were in my shoes? I would really appreciate your thoughts on this, thank you very much :)


Could you please share your thoughts on Prolia bone strengthening treatment? Thank you.

Nurturing Agricultural Vitality: Exploring Detox Methods for a Resilient Body

Hi Peter, As someone deeply involved in the agriculture industry, I find myself regularly relying on herbicides and pesticides to ensure the success of our crops. It's not my favorite aspect of the job, but I understand the necessity behind it. To prioritize my safety and minimize any potential risks, I make sure to gear up in proper personal protective equipment, including masks and suits. Given the nature of my work and the exposure to these chemicals, I'm genuinely interested in exploring effective detox methods to cleanse and revitalize my body. It's important to me to maintain a healthy and resilient physique, not just for my personal well-being but also for the long-term sustainability of our agricultural practices. I'd be immensely grateful if you could share any recommendations or insights you might have on the best detoxification practices that can help eliminate any accumulated toxins. Thanks a bunch for your time, and I eagerly await your response.

ARR of statins for all-cause mortality, ACS, etc

Hi Peter and team, I hope you and yours are well. This has been requested in various forms multiple times by other members. I do not believe it has been addressed as of yet. Please critically appraise the following article: How do you explain the benefits of lowering ApoB/LDL-p or c, and what seems to be negligible results from the above trial on ACM and ACS? Is the trial duration not long enough? Are there better meta-analyses that you believe show more convincing proof of the benefit of statins on these endpoints? What are the pitfalls of the above study? Much appreciated

The Unspoken Side Effects of GLP-1 Antagonist

During one of the AMA podcasts, you mentioned that you were seeing some nasopharyngeal side effects in your patients on Ozempic/semaglutide. Have you drawn any conclusions or have any further information on this side effect? Thank you for taking the time, you are appreciated.