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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Do you still send your patients only to Vancouver for Prenuvo MRI scans for cancer screening?

I just listened to your podcast about cancer screening with full body MRI. It was a re-broadcast from 2019 and since then Prenuvo has opened multiple locations in the U.S. Do you feel that it is better to go to Vancouver for the scan or are the U.S. scans equivalent? Do the same group of physicians read the scans? Are the MRI scanners exactly the same as in Vancouver? I am curious why you did not mention the availability in the U.S. when you gave the intro to the re-broadcast.

Doxepin vs Trazidone

You've mentioned that Trazidone can be a useful medication for those with sleep issues/insomnia, once all other sleep hygiene improvements have been made. What are your thoughts on Doxepin, as it seems that some studies suggest that it is better for 'staying asleep'? I'm particularly interested to know if there are studies or opinions on how Doxepin affects sleep architecture as Trazidone seems to support our sleep architecture positively. I ask this because Doxepin seems to work better for me than Trazidone (~6mg/night) but I am concerned w/ sleep architecture as I don't want to just be 'asleep'.

DHA vs Omega 3 in supplementation amount

I am Apoe4 and taking Omega 3 supplementation. Should I be taking 2g of Omega 3 total or DHA total?

BRCA Risk Reduction

Hi Peter, Recently, my wife was diagnosed with BRCA, and as parents of two young children, we are concerned about minimizing their risk of developing cancer. Specifically, I wanted to get your thoughts about the potential risks associated with radiation exposure from air travel and early-age X-rays. It appears that existing studies either do not focus on individuals prone to cancer or rely on unreliable recall-based data. Considering this, would you recommend limiting cross-country flights for children at risk? Additionally, I would greatly appreciate any other thoughts or recommendations you might have regarding prevention in this particular circumstance. I have been considering the benefits of residing in proximity to medical centers equipped with advanced screening capabilities and ensuring good indoor air quality. Thank you very much for your time and expertise.

Nuanced discussion of vaccines

Please go on Rogan to discuss vaccines. You know the studies and are an expert at evaluating them. I'm not sure if you'd be pro vaccine, if you'd have reservations, etc. But going on and discussing what you believe would probably save thousands of lives (in any direction!). Joe trusts you, you have had on Hotez and Offitt. You weren't afraid of the mob when you and Makary discussed natural immunity and mRNA vaccines for kids. RFK is shaking average Joe's (like me) confidence in vaccines. And maybe he's correct. But either way, your service in going on the record (especially on Joe's platform), would be a huge service to us all.